Mork / Phil Borst
Courte animation mêlant formes, couleurs et musique par le motion designer Phil Borst.
Musique : Dustin O’Halloran
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Dewdrops / Morten Koldby

Intro site web / Young

West of England Design Forum / Mytton Williams

Cloud Chair / Lisa Widén

China Series / Catherine Hyland

Ohno Caldeyro Arquitectos / Atolon de Mororoa Studio

Islamic Cultural Center / BIG

Nouvelle Cathédrale de Strasbourg / Axis Mundi

Anett Hajdu / Kissmiklos

Linogravures / David Vanadia
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Remuline / Mischer’traxler

Shop Around / Toko

Atelier Kidimo

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Cocage Showroom / Suppose Design Office

Friends of Type

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