Illustrations / Iain Macarthur
Cette sélection d’illustrations est signée du designer graphique anglais Iain Macarthur.
Articles suivants

Nike / Burdifilek

BS Identity / Because Studio

Days / Martyn Castens

Social Traders / Fabio Ongarato Design

Linogravures / David Vanadia
Article sponsorisé

Hong-Kong in the Rain / Christophe Jacrot

Olivier Rousseau

Crass / Triboro Design

Beached House / BKK Architects

APA Identity / Cartlidge Levene

Cardboard Furniture / Showroom Finland

Favourite Places 2 / Matthias Heiderich

Typographic Revolt Edition #1 / Ryan Atkinson

Train / Greg Booher

Linogravures / David Vanadia
Article sponsorisé

Chaise Bamby / Noé Duchaufour-Lawrance

Stack Architects / The Consult

Ator Restaurant / Expose Architecture

Tunnels / Michael Murphy

Lampe Looden / Elomax Agency
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